Empowering veterinarians with customised veterinary medicine for companion animals, poultry, livestock & wildlife.

Customised compounding veterinary medicines
for companion animals including exotics.

Our antimicrobial resistance programs and testing make a difference to the approach of antibiotic use

We offer a wide range of customised veterinary medicines for livestock

What is Compounding?

Veterinary compounding is the process of creating customised medications tailored to various animal needs, in various formulations and dosages.

It involves mixing, combining, or altering ingredients to tailor the medicine specifically to the needs of a particular pet or animal, often when standard medications are not suitable or available.

This allows veterinarians to provide more precise and effective treatments to their patients.

Improving Animal Health

with our Wide Range of Veterinary Services

With our expertise in various scientific disciplines, we strive to improve animal health, which in turn contributes to human and environmental health.


The V-TechTraining Academy

The V-Tech Training Academy offers a wide range of training programs designed to benefit and advance the art of compounding veterinary medicines.

Training is available at V-Tech on both an internal and external basis to all personnel, ensuring comprehensive development opportunities for everyone at V-Tech.


Training Academy Banner

The V-TechTraining Academy

The V-Tech Training Academy offers a wide range of training programs designed to benefit and advance the art of compounding veterinary medicines.

Training is available at V-Tech on both an internal and external basis to all personnel, ensuring comprehensive development opportunities for everyone at V-Tech.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

At V-Tech, Quality Assurance is our top priority and key to our success.

Our robust framework and approach to Quality Assurance underscores our unwavering commitment to quality, and involves the following steps to maintain and continuously improve our Quality Management System:

Quality Control

Testing and calibration laboratories and services used are exclusively ISO 17025, SANAS, and/or SAHPRA certified.

Raw material suppliers are meticulously selected and audited based on risk.

All Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) comply with the relevant British Pharmacopoeia (BP), United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), and/or European Pharmacopoeia (EP) standards.

Certificates of Analysis are reviewed, verified, and released by our Responsible Pharmacists for all raw materials and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

Testing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients is conducted to verify their quality prior to using it in compounding of medicines.

For finished products, rigorous quality control procedures are in place in accordance with the medicine’s risk profile. This includes external laboratory testing and final checks by our Responsible Pharmacists before release of any compounded medicine.


V-Tech undergoes annual external audits by the following certification companies.

    o SGS, Switzerland, for our ISO9001 Quality Management Systems certification.
    o Juda Compliance Auditors cc, a SAHPRA approved certification body for the certification of ISO13485 Medical Devices.

V-Tech follows an internal audit schedule, where all processes and business units are audited on an annual and bi-annual basis by a certified professional to ensure continuous improvement and compliance of all relevant legal requirements and adherence to the established quality management system.

Non-Conformance Management

Non-conformance management procedures are established and systemised.

Root cause analysis and corrective action and preventative action (CAPA) are conducted for all non-conformances to ultimately lead to the ongoing improvement of the quality management system over time.

Risk Management and Risk-Based Decision Making
Risk assessments are conducted continuously to manage various aspects of the business and to ensure V-Tech remains up to date with internal and external changes in the industry.

We leverage data analysis and review for ongoing, informed, and risk-based decision making.

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V-Tech -What is Compounding?

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